TN Nurses Employer Form

Employer Form - TN Nurses

Dear Employer,

Please complete this Employer Intake Questionnaire. It will serve as the foundation for the job offers we will present to the TN Mexican Nurses applicants.

Kindly provide clear and comprehensive answers to the questions. This will enable us to minimize any queries the candidates may have regarding the employment.

Thank you!





This section will allow the worker to decide whether the amount of money recieved weekly after deductions and taxes is enough for them to be able to relocate temporarily or permanently. 

Please fill in below and be sure to be as accurate and detailed as posible so the worker can have idea of their weekly wages.


Please place all the requirements and qualifications the applicant needs to be considered for the position: Work in heights, wet enviroment, non-air conditioned enviroment, education requirements, English (writen, conversational, how will they use English during work and any other tips that they could use)


Provided by employer? What's included? T-shirt, sweatshirt, pants?
Provided by employer? What's included? Are work boots mandatory and provided? Is it a stipend or advance given? Do workers cover the cost, etc.?
Do you have a contract that you can provide, or will this job offer suffice?


(Strongly recomended. This greatly helps to improve worker retention and start off with the right foot with the workers. They arrive late, tired and hungry from their long trip to a place they are not familiar with yet.)
(Strongly recomended. This is important to employee retention. The cost of this is not so great and it goes a long way to showing the workers that you appreciate that they relocated from their home to work for your company.)


(Medical, dental and vision benefits? After X amount of time they are elegible? Upon request or by default? Employer provides or is it split cost? If so, which percentage does each party pay? What is the weekly cost? Just personal Insurance or it covers the family as well?)
(What holidays are paid? Are they immediately eligible for paid holidays?)
(Is there a posibility for promotion? Does employer conduct an employee review after certain period to determine wheter a promotion or rise is warranted?)
(Is there a possibility for promotion? Does employer conduct an employee review after a certain period to determine whether a promotion or raise is warranted?
(Do you provide any type of bonus? Sign-on, profit, stay or any other type? How much is the amount? How often do you provide it? Is it a one-time bonus? A sign-on bonus is normally a good tool to attract the applicants and it is normally provided after 4-8 months into the job.)


Housing represents one of the biggest concerns for workers relocating to an entire different country and has one of the highest impacts in worker retention. We strongly recommend affordable housing under $250 per person (ideally for a single room). We understand that housing for workers is hard to secure for employers. 

We recommend the following utilities to be included with the rent: water, gas, garbage, electricity, Wi-Fi. The smaller the housing units are, the better for the workers dynamic. We recommend for only workers in this program to live in the provided housing. If they won't be provided with a vehicle to move around during their free time, then we recommend a house that is close to a bus stop, nearby amenities such as grocery store, bank, laundry, restaurants, etc. for them to be able to have an independent lifestyle. 

(Grocery? Bank? Parks? Amusement? Gym? Are they located within walking distance from the housing? If not, is there a bus near the housing for them to easily commute? Will grocery shuttle be provided weekly? Will vehicle for personal errands will be provided?)