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Engineers & Professional Technicians

No. While there are specific requirements for the TN visa, including educational qualifications and job eligibility, the U.S. government does not directly dictate the wage that must be paid to TN visa holders.

The TN visa allows certain professionals from Canada and Mexico to work in the United States. However, it is not applicable to individuals from other countries such as India. Therefore, you cannot directly sponsor an engineer from India on a TN visa.

If you’re looking to hire an engineer from India and bring them to the United States, there are alternative visa categories available, such as the H-1B visa. The H-1B visa allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations. It requires the employer to sponsor the employee and meet specific requirements, including demonstrating that there are no qualified U.S. workers available for the position. Our sister company, Wyngaard Law Firm can assist with this process. Please call us for a free consultation: 800-414-0978!

The TN visa is typically issued for an initial period of up to three years. After the initial period, it may be possible to renew the visa in three-year increments as long as the individual continues to meet the requirements of the TN visa category.

Yes! In fact, engineering students in Mexico study from US textbooks and many study in the United States and Europe. The Mexican government has adopted a policy of educating engineers with the intended purpose of working for international companies.

Engineering programs in Mexico are certified and reviewed by international organizations. CACEI (Consejo de Acreditacion de la Ensenanza de la Ingenieria) is the Mexican organization for accreditation. The educational expectation for engineering programs has grown significantly in recent years, as the engineering profession requires greater multidisciplinary collaboration due to the accelerated advancement in technology. ABET is the Accrediting Agency for Programs in Applied Science, Computing, Engineering and Technology in the United States. ABET accreditation ensures that a university program meets the quality standards of the profession for which the academic program prepares students. ABET is supported by a set of 35 professional societies, including the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The ABET accreditation process for programs outside the United States is identical to the accreditation process for programs within the United States.

3 Amigo’s Recruiting has an office in the Bajio Region of Mexico. The primary industries in El Bajio encompass automotive and auto parts, aerospace and defense, and household appliance manufacturing. This region of Mexico boasts a sophisticated and contemporary transportation infrastructure, including highways, railways, airports, interior ports, and seaports. These robust transportation connections make El Bajio an immensely appealing region for international factories such as BMW, Volkswagen, Whirlpool, Samsung, GM and Danone. These factories provide valuable experience for our recruits. 

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If you’re an employer seeking professional recruiting assistance or a job seeker ready to make a career move, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at 3 Amigos Recruiting. We are here to support your recruitment needs and help you achieve your goals. Contact us today for personalized and reliable service.

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